Saturday 21 March 2015

Bolu Roll Recipe Steamed

As well as the diversity of recipes cooking, our country will also have a lot of variety of cake recipes that have the distinctive flavor and delicious. One that is quite popular and famous in our society is Bolu Roll Recipe. Perhaps many of the friends that knows the cake was baked rolls or in the oven. This time, I will invite friends made a special cake recipe, the recipe steamed sponge. Yes, how to make steamed rolls is very easy, even for young women friends who are not used to make cakes were easily able to make steamed rolls recipe is simple and economical.
Friends may remember in the 90's recipe steamed rolls are very popular once and became one of the most popular cake by most families in Indonesia. Maybe when it has not been a lot of cookie recipes from abroad who enter our country, such as tiramisu cake recipe, rainbow cake and others. Virtually every important event in that era rolled sponge cake is almost certainly always be at the table for the buffet table. Especially when religious holidays, almost certainly rolls is definitely there for a dish for guests and family. In addition, the sponge cake is also well suited to a friend watch your favorite tv shows alongside a glass of tea, milk or coffee.
Steamed rolls recipe included in the wet cake recipe. Compared with other cookie recipes, this recipe steamed cakes made his way quite simple and economical does not require a lot of ingredients. However, if a matter of taste, steamed sponge cake roll is no less tasty and delicious compared with other steamed cake recipe. The texture is also quite soft so it is suitable for consumption by all members of the family, from children to adults. Okay for more details, please see the ingredients and how to make simple steamed rolls below.
Roll Recipe Ingredients Bolu Steamed Pandan Simple
1. Like other wet cake recipe, main ingredient needed is flour that has a moderate protein content of approximately 50 grams. Sift flour before use so that no dirt.
2. Chicken eggs are large size of approximately 2 points.
3. Pasta pandan good quality of approximately 1 small spoon.
4. Buttercream good quality enough to coat the inside of the sponge cake gulungnya.
5. Santan thick of approximately 50 ml.
6. Good quality white sugar of approximately 50 grams.
7. Cake emulsifer or commonly known as baking approximately as much as a small spoon.
8. Paper bread.

How to Make Steamed Roll Bolu Economical
1. Take a large-size container to make the main dough.
2. Insert the prepared white sugar and baking it into the dough container. Stir stir briefly so well blended.
3. Break the eggs and enter one by one into a container of batter on top. Whisk all ingredients until fluffy.
4. Insert the cake flour into the dough on top. Stir stir all ingredients use a spatula so blended and no lumps of flour clumps.
5. Enter the coconut milk into the mixture prepared above. Stir stir so well blended.
6. Include pandan paste into the batter and stir stir over again until all ingredients are well blended.
7. Prepare a baking sheet that will be used for steaming cakes pandannya. Pour batter rolls over into the pan and flatten in loyangnya.
8. Insert the pan into a preheated steamer. Steamed dough rolls until cooked or less takes 20-24 minutes for really mature.
9. Once cooked, remove and let cool prior to the heat of the steam is lost before rubbing cake buttercream on top.
10. Kelurkan by way poured cake rolls on butcher paper. Immediately spread the top of sponge cake with buttercream that has been prepared in advance to all parts of the closed flat.
11. After the roll sponge that has been spread with buttercream and then press and condense so attached and form a perfect rolls.

How do friends how to make feather steamed roll over? Pretty simple is not it. In addition pandan paste, friends also can make the chocolate paste or replace buttercreamnya with chocolate or strawberry jam. Themes friends can also coat the outside of the cake with grated cheese to make it more attractive and tasty.

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