Monday, 30 March 2015

Egg Tofu Recipes Delicious

Know, is a soy-based foods. Know very loved by everyone. The price is cheap, but it can be processed into a variety of recipes. Various processed know very tasty and easy to make. On this occasion we will share delicious recipes out for your eggs. As the name implies, this menu is a blend of tofu and eggs. It was also very good.
Dishes out eggs is typical cuisine of East Java. Typically, served with rice cake / diamond. But can also be served with white rice warm. In the tofu is usually given as a complementary cucumber and bean sprouts. How to make good out of eggs? Here are recipes out more delicious eggs.
Egg Tofu Recipes Delicious.

• 250 grams of tofu (cubed)
• 5 chicken eggs
• ½ tsp salt
• 2 cloves garlic, crushed
• 150 g cucumber, coarsely chopped
• 150 g bean sprouts (brewed with hot water until softened)
• 3 stalks leek (sliced)
• 1 tbsp flour
• 50 ml of water

Material Sambal:
• 5 cayenne
• 2 tbsp shrimp paste
• 2 cloves garlic
• 10 tablespoons soy sauce
• 1 tsp salt
• 1 tablespoon cooking oil

How to Make Tofu Egg:
1. Whisk the egg off.
2. Then enter the wheat flour that has been diluted with water.
3. Then add the garlic too, know slices, and salt.
4. Stir until ingredients are well blended.
5. Then divide the dough into 5 portions / servings.
6. Heat a pan that has been spread with oil.
7. Cook the dough per serving low heat until cooked through.
8. Perform until the dough runs out. Then drain.
9. Then we make sauces.
10. First, saute garlic and cayenne pepper
11. Enter the chili, garlic, paste, soy sauce, and salt in a container / bowl. Stir to mix.
12. Know the eggs ready to be served along with chili paste, bean sprouts, cucumber, and leaves of chives.

Know eggs are very suitable enjoyed in cold weather. Spicy taste that is guaranteed to make you addicted. If you want to make, do not be afraid to try it. Good luck, Good luck.

Recipes Pempek Palembang

One of the typical food of Indonesia, especially Sumatra is Pempek Palembang. Pempek palembang also often referred to empek-empek already popular throughout Indonesia. Pempek Palembang Palembang became an icon from decades ago. Until now, even the existence of pempek palembang still exist. RECIPES PEMPEK this PALEMBANG of us do not need you doubt because of our original or delicious recipes. If you want to eat pempek palembang, you can make yourself at home. Obviously with the original palembang guide pempek tasty recipes from us this. Listen carefully

Pempek recipe is not as simple recipe palembang processed out or brownie recipe steamed pumpkin. In general it is a little tricky to make pempek palembang. But you do not need to worry because the recipes from our palembang pempek is easy to understand and the main practice. How to make pempek palembang requires several stages. Pempek are so popular has many kinds, such pempek palembang submarine, pempek circumstances, pempek lenjer, pempek eggs, and so forth. Let us refer to the recipe just pempek palembang and guidance on how to make these.

Recipes Pempek Palembang
• 1.5 kg of corn starch (select good quality)
• 1 kg of fish belida that has been milled. However, if no, you can use cork fish or mackerel.
• 1 cup ice water mature
• 1 packet seasoning
• Salt to taste

Ingredients Vinegar Pempek Palembang:
• 200 grams of garlic, peeled and finely chopped
• 15 seeds finely ground cayenne pepper
• 250 grams of brown sugar
• 50 grams of water tamarind
• 2 tablespoons dried shrimp, puree
• 1 liter of drinking water
• Salt to taste

How to Make Pempek Palembang:
a. Make pempek
1. Boil water mixed with 2 tablespoons cooking oil.
2. Then enter the fish that have been milled and water ice.
3. Then enter also seasoning and salt to taste. Stir constantly until the batter is smooth.
4. Then enter the sago flour into the mixture to taste.
5. Stir until the mixture thickens and elastic. This means that the dough can diuleni and not sticky.
6. sago dose adjusted to your desired level of resilience.
7. For a more pronounced flavor fish, do not put too much sago into the dough.
8. Make the dough with the shape you want. To prevent sticking, hands smeared with a little flour.
9. Can be shaped oval, or it could be filled with eggs.
10. When the dough is formed, put in your water that has been boiled with cooking oil before.
11. Boil mixture until the float. Remove and drain.
b. Make vinegar pempek
1. First mix the juice of tamarind and palm sugar into hot water. Boil until cooked.
2. Then enter the dried shrimp, garlic, chili pepper paste, and salt.
3. Boil until boiling.
4. Remove and serve warm.

Done already made pempek palembang and cukanya. Now let us serve pempek to eat. How to present pempek pempek is served on a plate and doused with vinegar pempek. If you want a more complete can add sliced ​​cucumbers. You can add chili rawitnya if you want more spicy again. Good luck Recipes Pempek Palembang, Good luck.

Sunday, 29 March 2015

Recipe Chocolate Banana ES Piscok Colorful

Recipe Chocolate Banana ES Piscok Colorful. Children - children like to snack Ice which is not clear in his school? Or even your own that like buying Popsicles in the neighboring stall. If you run out of ideas for making the food that children, we suggest you to try our menu this one, Recipe Banana ES Brown, better known by the acronym Ice Piscok. In addition to making his easy manner, the ingredients of a recipe is also easy to find and the price will not drain your wallet.
Because this food is favored children and adults, Ice Piscok Brown also can use as an alternative for business opportunities by selling his home or leave him in the stall stalls around your home. As the name implies, the main raw material of this snack is a banana ice. Actually, there is no specificity for its bananas, but because these snacks are usually in for weeks to consumption of children, then you should look for the type of banana that its size is quite small. Usually the type of banana or banana muli mas used. Okay, now we are trying to make themselves.
Ingredients for Banana chocolate
1. 1 comb banana or banana gold content of about 15 muli with an bananas
2. 200-250 grams of chocolate bars (for the brand, according to taste and pocket yes)
3. 1 pack of brown sow or mesis
4. Stick ice cream atu can also use skewers that have been refined.

How to make Banana ES Brown Colorful
1. First of all, take a fruit container for melting chocolate bars at the top, use the fire is not too big so it does not burn.
2. Peel bananas or banana muli mas then stick ice cream sticks. Insert the sticks fit in the middle of the banana so that later do not fall when eating.
3. Enter a banana that has been stabbed into the brown solution was. Submersible up to several times until his banana skin smeared with a perfect chocolate
4. Prepare a plate and pour mesis or its grain brown above her. Roll the chocolate banana up her earlier. if necessary, sprinkle also for perfect results.
5. Wait until cool, then put in the freezer until frozen.

It turns easily and cepatkan how to make Banana Chocolate Recipes ES above. You can also be creative by mixing the chocolate flavor of strawberries, grapes or else her. To the search for business opportunities, snacks this one also can be used as one of the alternatives, you know. Do not forget to see the recipes snacks and our other cakes,

Recipe Steamed Pandan Brownis Green

Make friends who like to eat and cake, no doubt heard and felt the delicacy Brownis Steamed Cake Pandan Pandan Amanda or Steamed Brownies NCC. For who live in the area of ​​Bandung and other major cities, may not be too difficult to find and buy. But what if it happened to mention being out of town? To that end, this time I will invite friends foodies to learn how to make Brownis Recipe Steamed Pandan own at home. Of course in addition to more efficient, making Browneis Recipe Steam itself is certainly more fun and can be used as one of the ideas for the culinary business.

One of the advantages of making his own Steamed Brownies Recipe besides also save even more friends can create their own to add to his pastry delights. Friends can add grated cheese and a cherry on top of the cake to enhance your appearance. Some commonly used food ingredients, such as brown granules, almonds, cashews, cream or other fresh fruit can also be added to increase the delicacy of the results would happen. In addition, you can make chocolate brownies with pandanus or rainbow colors in a mix and match some of the pan.

Actually, how to make Brownis Recipe Steamed Pandan is not too difficult as imagined some layman. No need to be a chief or a chef to be able to make steamed brownies cake at home. Ingredients her brownie maker was easily able in stores around us. Of course, there are some tips that should be considered so that the results would happen perfectly, as do not use on high heat, stirring gently laahn dough and make sure arbitrarily perfectly mixed material or guankan mixer at medium speed for whipping eggs. Okay, for more details please read those details of her recipes below.

Ingredients Recipe Steamed Pandan Brownis Delicious
1. Flour that have protein levels were as much as 60 grams.
2. Chicken Eggs are a great size for 3 items. Take one pcs egg white and yolk of his three parts.
3. Developer cake or also known as penyatabil cake or cake emulsifer of approximately a quarter of a teaspoon.
4. Sugar clean white sand as much as 40 grams.
5. Milk powder 10 grams.
6. White chocolate or white chocolate cook as much as 50 grams. Melt until the liquid before being mixed with the dough.
7. Developers cake or also known as baking powder eperempat small spoon or a quarter teaspoon.
8. Pasta Pandan (use a good brand so that the results are delicious) as much as a quarter of a teaspoon.
9. Margarine as much as 30 grams. Melt the ingredients before use to batter.
10. Paper rolls for the base pan.

How to Make Brownies Recipe Steamed Pandan easy
1. Take a adoanan. Enter 3 pcs egg yolks, 1 pcs egg whites, sugar and cake emulsifernya quarter.
2. Mix all the above ingredients with a mixer until all ingredients are well blended and fluffy.
3. Take the place again. Enter terigunya flour 50 grams, 10 grams of milk powder and baking powdernya. Stir all ingredients until smooth and sieve until smooth.
4. Mix the flour mixture over the batter into the main. Stir all ingredients until completely mixed.
5. Pour liquid margarine.
6. Enter 50 grams of white chocolate liquid little by little while stirring.
7. Enter pandan paste it while still stirring until blended.
8. Prepare a baking sheet and place the baking paper on top.
9. Pour the batter nrownis his steamed pandan kle on a baking sheet.
10. Put it in a small steamer basket over medium heat. Steam until cooked or approximately 21-23 minutes.
11. Remove and let it cool before in spread with cream, grated cheese, chocolate granules or other additives.

It was not too hard the way make Brownis Recipe Steamed Pandan above? For the beginner can easily create your own recipe of the cake at home. In addition to its own consumption, Brownis Steamed Cakes can also be used as hidangn for other important occasions, such as birthday party, social gathering or when there is another gala dinner at home.

Saturday, 28 March 2015

Recipe Chicken Soto Bening

Definitely friends had never tasted the delights of savory dishes instead? Yes, soup is one of Indonesia's recipes scattered in almost every region of our country. Friends probably already familiar with and know that some areas of our country have their own soup recipe variations, such as meat and soup recipe chicken soup recipe. Cuisine chicken soup itself also has a wide variety of variants with their own chicken soup seasoning, such as the clear chicken soup recipe, chicken soup Lamongan, Ambengan chicken soup, chicken soup and other Madura. This time, I will invite friends to try out how to make chicken soup transparent and provide clear soup seasoning secrets of what is needed.
Recipes Soto Bening may not be as popular as chicken soup recipe recipes soup Madura or another, but less a matter of taste, this soup recipe is not lost, you know compared to other siblings. Of course, it returned again to the personal taste of each, but for friends who have never tried it, clear chicken soup recipe is worth a try and definitely will be hooked. As the name suggests, this time in need of seasoning dishes are more practical and simpler than other recipes. How to make a clear soup was also much simpler and easier to try yourself at home. Not to worry, even teenage girls or unusual memasakpun could easily make clear chicken soup was tasty and delicious.
If friends had tried chicken soup or soto Madura Lamongan, would have little surprised with a clear chicken soup recipe that we will make this time. Yes, clear broth soup recipe is slightly different from other types of sauce savory dishes are usually yellow once, even if exposed to the clothes will be difficult for us to remove it. Actually, this recipe also uses ingredients and seasoning chicken soup which is almost the same as other types of chicken soup, but the use of herbs kunyitnya is less so the results are more clear than it would others. For more details, please see the details of the recipe and clear chicken soup spice seasoning required under.

Ingredients and Recipes Soto Ayam Bumbu Bening
1. The main ingredients needed to make clear soup recipe is one tail chicken meat medium large size. Friends can use chicken or chicken pieces weighing approximately 700 g-1 kg.
2. Clean water to boil and tenderize meat chickens of approximately 1750 to 2000 ml.
3. Seasonings to taste flavors to taste
4. Leeks large-size of approximately 3 pcs only. Rinse and then chopped onion leaves and slices approximately 1 cm.
5. Galangal of approximately 1 knuckles adults.
6. Bay leaves are large size of approximately 3 pieces only.
7. fresh orange leaves of approximately 3-4 pieces depending on size.
8. Rod lemongrass of approximately 2 medium sized trunk.
9. Pecan approximately 5 grains alone (spices).
10. Ginger medium large of approximately 1.5 knuckles adults (spices).
11. Turmeric of approximately 1.5 knuckles adults too (spices).
12. Garlic local medium large size of approximately 6 cloves. Peel the onion and slice the skin a little small so easy when smoothed (spices).
13. Table salt to taste
14. Pepper to taste
15. The local Red onion 3 cloves of approximately only. Peel the skin and cut a tiny little so easy to smoothed (spices).
16. Oil for sauteing seasoning to taste the fine.
17. Vegetables fresh cabbage that has been washed for supplementary material of approximately 150-220 grams. Thinly sliced ​​and cut into thin strips to complement sotonya.
18. Soun white for supplementary material soto soup of approximately 40-60 grams. Soak the glass noodles in a pot of hot water until done and drain before use.
19. fried red onion taste to taste and sprinkles on top of the sauce.
20. Fruit red tomato taste. Rinse and then sliced ​​to garnish to taste.
21. Fresh Sprouts approximately 250 grams. Rinse and remove dirt that may stick then flush with hot water in order to mature.
22. Chicken eggs that have been boiled for 3 items.
How to Make Transparent Soto Ayam
1. The first step is to cut the chicken into two or more parts and wash until it is completely clean before cooking.
2. Prepare a rather large size pot to boil the chicken.
3. Insert the clean water that has been prepared in advance (approximately 2 liters) into it and then turn to medium heat and then enter the chicken pieces that have been washed previously.
4. While waiting for the hot water boiled chicken meat, we can prepare the clear chicken soup spices that will be mixed into the stew pot above.
5. Blend the above various spices (turmeric, ginger, garlic, onion, pepper and hazelnut) until it is completely smooth. For best results, we recommend friends using the manual method, or if you can not also use a blender.
6. Prepare a frying pan and add oil secukupunya. Wait a minute until a little hot oil and enter the clear soup seasoning that has been smoothed over.
7. Cook until fragrant smell and lift. Do not forget to stir stir so mixed and not burnt marinade.
8. Enter the above ground spices into the chicken stew pot in the first step and stir stir briefly so that the seasoning mix.
9. Enter the ginger that has been washed clean, natural leaves that have been cut earlier pieces, lemon grass and lime leaves that have been washed into the clear chicken soup stew pot.
10. Stir stirring occasionally and cook until chicken is really tender to taste (approximately 40-50 minutes) and seasoning has seeped into it.
11. Turn the stove and then lift the chicken meat. Cut small or suir suir chicken meat and enter the chicken bones in her clear broth soup broth added so pervasive.
12. Heat the broth, if necessary, if friends want to present it at a later time.

Recipe Chicken Soto Bening is the most enjoyable along crackers and chilli. Friends can mix it immediately with steamed rice or split in the bowl itself. Enter the first supplementary materials such as cabbage, bean sprouts, glass noodles, boiled egg and tomato red. Although simple, this soup recipe tastes no less than with the type of cuisine you know another chicken soup

Shrimp Vegetable Recipes Pastel

Shrimp is one of the foods that are rich in nutritional content. In addition to protein, shrimp also contains Omega 3 which is very good for improving intelligence, so it is good in consumption for children. Very much processed based shrimp are provided, ranging from grilled shrimp to shrimp spicy sour.
Already bored with processed shrimp that's it? Well, maybe you should try the delicious shrimp processed nan healthy following. Shrimp combined with vegetables and wrapped in pastel skin was fit to be a healthy snack for you. Let us refer to the ingredients, seasoning, and how to make the following.
a. Skin
• 150 grams of wheat flour
• 1 egg
• 50 ml of water
• 1 tablespoon butter, melted
• ½ teaspoon baking powder
• Salt to taste

b. Contents
• 200 grams of shrimp (head and discard the peel, finely chopped)
• 100 grams of carrots, cut into small dice
• 100 grams of broccoli, cut into small pieces
• 2 scallions, thinly sliced
• 2 tablespoons soy sauce
• 1 tbsp chilli sauce
• 1 tbsp sugar
• ½ onion, finely chopped
• 2 cloves garlic, finely chopped
• Salt and pepper to taste
• 2 tablespoons butter
• Cooking oil for frying

How To Make
a. Skin
1. Mix all ingredients and knead until smooth and dull (no sign sticky to the touch and in the container).
2. Allow the dough and cover using a napkin to swell shut.
b. Contents
1. Melt butter and saute onion and garlic until fragrant.
2. Enter the shrimp and chunks of carrots, stir until half cooked.
3. Add the pieces of broccoli and scallions and stir.
4. Season with soy sauce, chili sauce, sugar, salt, and pepper. Give a little water to prevent burning. Stir and cook until done. Lift
5. Flatten the dough and then cut into a circle with diameter 12 cm or according to taste. (Can use a round bowl as a mold.
6. Fill pie shell with 2 tablespoons vegetable shrimp batter, then fold into 2 and the edges bend-bend into so that the contents do not come out.
7. Fry in hot oil, lift and then drained.
8. Pastel ready to serve

Well, quite easily not make it ?. To eliminate the fishy smell of shrimp, shrimp should be given before the chopped lemon juice. Once the shrimp are guaranteed free from the stench, so you are more comfortable taking it. Good Luck.

Busa Orange Pudding Recipe

've Never heard the name of foam pudding? Foam pudding is a pudding that is processed by mixing whisk egg white in it. The texture of pudding foam also be slightly different from the usual pudding, which has a texture that is slightly lebihlembut compared with ordinary pudding. Various types of fruits can be used as the manufacture of foam pudding, so to have an assortment of flavored.
One fruit that is often used is a citrus fruit. Oranges are able to provide flavor and freshness in the pudding. In addition, the high content of vitamin C in citrus fruits are also very good for your health, such as for endurance. How to make it also is not difficult, you can try it yourself at home. Well let's see, here we present the material and how to make pudding Foam Orange.
Foam Orange Pudding Recipe
• 2 packs of gelatinous white
• 2 eggs egg whites
• 150 grams of sugar
• 100 ml orange juice sweet
• 400 ml water
• ½ tsp vanilla
• canned citrus fruit to taste

How to Make Foam Orange Pudding:
1. Prepare a baking pan or mold, grammar canned orange in it. Set aside.
2. Enter the gelatin mixture into the water and sweet orange juice, stirring until gelatin dissolves and then reheat.
3. Add sugar and vanilla, cook until boiling then reduce the fire.
4. Beat the egg whites at high speed mixer until fluffy and stiff, and enter the gelatin in hot conditions gradually while continuing to be shaken.
5. Once well blended, pour the gelatin mixture into the pan or mold. Chill (can be inserted into the fridge when steam has been lost).
6. Foam Orange Pudding is ready to be served.

It is easy not to make it ?. Healthy pudding with various content of nutrients such as fiber and vitamin C is well suited to be your snack in the morning. Keen to make it? Good Luck.

Friday, 27 March 2015

Recipe Chicken Soft Soto Ceker

Claw chicken soup is one of Indonesia's recipes lately received considerable attention from the public. Yes, if you look at the foot of the main ingredients used may be slightly friends wonder why how much to like with this chicken soup recipe variations. But if you've tried it, Recipes Soto Ayam Ceker indeed very appetizing. The combination of savory flavors with chicken broth and seasoning soup typical claw guaranteed to make friends who love to eat will definitely addicted to the soup recipe chicken claw this. Moreover, how to make soup recipe claw is also very easy and cheap you know.

If you look at the physical form or chicken feet chicken claw itself is a bit disgusting because usually slovenly and contains many impurities. But after the washing process through the good, the chicken claw it also contains a lot of vitamins and enough chicken broth. Abortion I almost equal to the part of the other chickens, such as bone, skin or head. Besides washed, chicken legs that will be used to create a recipe Soto Ayam Ceker should also be soaked in boiling water for a while in order to really clean of all kinds of dirt and cuticle chickens usually still rub off. Friends should also give a little squeeze of lemon juice so that there is no fishy smell that brought so the end result of this claw chicken soup recipe is not less delicious and tasty compared to other chicken soup recipe that is already popular in the community.

Not only suitable for adult diet, nutritional content of chicken claw of course also very good for growing children or to meet the nutritional needs of the elderly. Perhaps many of us who do not know that this chicken leg contains a lot of nutrients needed by the body, namely Calcium, Protein, Phosphorus, Calories, collagen content, fat, Omega and others. In fact, some studies show that the nutritional content of chicken soup recipe claw is comparable with the shark fin is very popular and very beneficial for health.

As another chicken soup recipe, chicken soup claw also need some ingredients typical crops of tropical countries, such as ginger, galangal and turmeric. Should briefly turmeric and ginger grilled her (not required) before smoothed so that later more fragrant result. Although I make soup recipe is quite simple claw, but the steps will we give below should be done in sequence so that the results fit the chill.

Ingredients Recipes Simple Ceker Soto
1. As the name implies, the main ingredient needed is a claw or a chicken leg that has been washed clean of approximately 1 kg. Use fresh claw so that the result is more savory and delicious.
2. Galangal approximately along the first knuckle adults.
3. Trunk lemongrass white part only good quality 1 pcs only. Wash before use and mixed with spices chicken soup the other claw.
4. orange leaves that have been washed previously of approximately 4 pcs only.
5. Ginger medium large size of approximately one knuckle adults only.
6. Bay leaves of approximately 2 pcs only.
7. Leeks for sprinkling on top of complementary materials cekernya soup as much as 2 pcs. Rinse and then cut into small slices and small.
8. Soun taste. Soak first with hot water and let cool before being used for supplementary material.
9. Sprouts are already washed and boiled until cooked to taste for supplementary material.
10. fresh celery leaves, washed clean taste. Cut and slice the leaves to supplement ingredients and sprinkles on top of the sauce.
11. Clean water of approximately 1.5-1.7 liters to boil and make gravy sotonya.
12. adequately iodized kitchen salt according to taste.

Materials and Soto Ayam Bumbu Ceker
1. Garlic medium large size of approximately 4 pcs. Peel the skin and tiny little slices so easy to be mashed.
2. Turmeric also known as turmeric of approximately 1 knuckles adults. Peel the skin and cut into pieces.
3. Pecan of approximately 3 pcs only.
4. Onion medium large size of approximately 8 cloves. Peel the skin before smoothed.
5. White pepper to taste after taste or of approximately 0.5-1 small spoon.
6. Vegetable oil or cooking oil for sauteing seasoning to taste the fine.

How to Make a Padded Ceker Soto:
• Once washed and boiled briefly, prepare a pot and give clean water that has been prepared and boiled chicken claw.
• Enter the galangal, 2 bay leaves and lemon grass into the pot above and then wait until the water boil while stirring occasionally stirring.
• While waiting for the cooking water to boil the chicken claw, friends can prepare soup seasoning smoothing claw that will pan, such as garlic, onion, nutmeg, turmeric and pepper it. Smoothing process marinade should use the manual method, ie with at pestle so that the aroma is out.
• Prepare a frying pan on medium heat and add the oil sufficiently small. Enter the above seasoning spices and alternating until fragrant smell typical of spice seasoning stir it.
• Enter the ginger and lime leaves in a frying pan and stir-fry over again until cooked and back and forth so well blended.
• Enter the ingredients stir into stew pot cekernya (after boiling) and stir stir so mixed with broth cekernya.
• Enter to taste salt to taste. Add sugar if necessary.
• Cook stirring continuously and stir until the claw is really ripe and soft texture and then turn off the flame.

Once cooked, friends can pour into the dish and give Mangku complementary materials that have been prepared in advance, such as bean sprouts, glass noodles, celery and leek. Can be added as well if like soy sauce, orange juice and chili that has been boiled and crushed to the likes spicy. 

Kale Recipes Oyster Sauce

As we all know, the benefits of vegetables are needed by our body. But many of us who sometimes forget the benefits of this vegetable and prefer to buy fast food more easy and practical. To that end, this time I invite friends to make one of the vegetable dishes are fairly simple, practical but has a delicious taste. Of course, this dish also contains vitamin that is needed by our body, namely Cah Watercress Sauce Oysters. Certainly no stranger to the hear the name of this kale cah cuisine. Yes there are actually several kinds of seasoning recipes cah kale, such as kale cah seafood, balacan kale, spinach shrimp cah, cah spinach paste and oyster sauce, but this time I will invite friends to make cah kale recipe is simple but it was still delicious and tasty. 
With a variety of today's busy life of modern people, they usually prefer to eat fast food or fast food usually called. Indeed, these foods are easiest and fast food menu. Actually, cah kale recipe is one of the original recipe Indonesia and one of the culinary heritage of the ancestors. Perhaps our first parents to get to know the name of sauteed kale.

Sauteed spinach or kale recipe is actually almost the same cah. Both use kale vegetables as the main ingredient. Seasoning cah necessary kale also arguably very little and easy to obtain. Although seasoning recipe cah kale and ways of cooking simpler, one of Indonesia's vegetable recipes variais feels no less you know the dishes from the outside. In addition to its high content of Vitamin A which is quite high, cah kale recipe also contains vitamin C, phosphorus, iron and other minerals minerals that are needed by our body. Okay, for more details please see the recipe seasoning cah simple kale with oyster sauce below.
Materials and Seasoning Kale Cah Oyster Sauce Recipe
1. The main ingredient needed is a 2-3 tie fresh kale. Wash thoroughly and cut the bottom to take the leaves and stems kangkungnya most part.
2. Onions medium as much as half pcs. Peeled and cut into thin thin to stir.
3. Garlic is a great medium as much as 2 pcs / cloves. If you can use a local garlic. Peeled and cut into thin too thin to stir ingredients.
4. The local red onion medium size by 4 pcs. As seasoning cah kale above, peel onions and cut into thin thin to stir ingredients.
5. Paste of approximately 1 tablespoon tek or taste. Fuel before use so much better.
6. A great oyster sauce by about 2 tablespoons.
7. instant chicken broth of approximately 2 tablespoons to make it more palatable.
8. The big red chili fruit of approximately 2-3 pieces. Cut a thin thin beforehand.
9. smooth or powdered pepper to taste.
10. white sugar to taste to taste.
11. Clean water is mature enough (of approximately 2 cups medium.
12. adequately iodized salt to taste.
13. margarine or vegetable oil for frying spice marinade to taste later.

How to Make a Simple Recipes Kale Cah
1. First we sauteed onion and garlic that have been cut thin thin using less oil.
2. Stir stir over medium heat until the smell fragrant small of both the onion mixture.
3. Then enter the chili fruit pieces that have been cut pieces as well. Stir briefly.
4. Then enter kanggkung leaves already cut the bottom. Stir briefly stir again until all ingredients are well blended or until slightly wilted leaves kangkungnya.
5. Add water into the frying pan on top. Stir again briefly.
6. The next step enter the already burned shrimp, oyster sauce, pepper and broth sediki his cock. Stir again until all ingredients are well blended.
7. Add salt and sugar sand. Stir briefly until all ingredients are well blended.
8. Once the leaves wilted kale true and water that had been inserted slightly reduced, try to taste the moment. Add more salt, sugar and oyster sauce if needed.

Done already how to make kale cah oyster sauce. It was not too difficult right Cah kale recipe how to cook simple with oyster sauce and garlic on top. Results becomes no less tasty and delicious with kale cah we usually buy in Karapitan or other eating house. To the idea of ​​cooking with kale other materials.

Drink Recipes Ice Nata de Coco Fresh Jackfruit

Nan hot and cold season is most comfortable when the heat hit adalam drinking ice, but the ice water just feels less mantab, let us be creative with materials that are easy to make and searchable. Previously I've posted too lohresep drinks ice jelly melon, if that is not interested in the drinks that we no other fresh drink recipes ya name is Nata de Coco Jackfruit Ice Kuah Santan.
Suda with ice nata de coco, let us discuss collaboration drinks menu which one is to be presented with an appropriate mixture and can relieve throat when the air around is increasing temperature. Before making that we need to find and buy the material is material, sedikanlah materials needed below.

Nata de Coco Jackfruit Ice Coconut Milk Gravy
• 100 g of nata de coco
• 5 eye jackfruit cooked, diced
• 1 tsp dried basil seeds, soak in water expands
• 100 g of black grass jelly, diced
• 12 tablespoons sweetened condensed milk white
• shaved ice
• 750 ml coconut milk from half coconut
• 250 g sugar
• 4 lime leaves, discard bones leaves
• 1/2 teaspoon salt

How to make ice Nata de Coco Coconut Milk Gravy Jackfruit:
1. How to Make Gravy milk: Mix all sauce ingredients that have been provided, then stir well. Cook over medium heat, stirring until boiling then remove and set aside.
2. Then you Prepare serving glasses, put 2 tablespoons of black grass jelly, 2 tbsp nata de coco, 2 tablespoons jackfruit, 2 tablespoons basil and 2 tablespoons sweetened condensed milk white.

Already there are some fresh drink recipes we update this blog now for our next update is still a lot of menus that you must read on your own practice at home, in case you actually have a soul and a master chef can join competitions on tv about the culinary world.

Goat Satay Cushy padded with Soy Sauce Seasoning

Still discuss satay menu for today for you and we have previously discussed is the sate madura for this time we will discuss the same menu but with different materials, Sate Kambing, hem certainly tasty. For you foodies of material mutton recipe this one can be your learning process.

Sate delicious goat is the goat meat tender, because sometimes a problem when people try to make the resulting meat was tough, yes would be too sad with our families who have a tooth that is not strong anymore, could be eating a lot of meat could be loose teeth hehe , to produce a delicious satay let us consider the goat satay recipes on how to cook from our following.

Materials Make Sate Kambing:
• 750 grams of mutton, cut into cubes of about 2 cm
• 16 rod skewers that have been soaked in water
Seasoning ingredients spreadable goat Sate:
• finely shredded lime leaves 5 LBR
• red onion finely sliced 10 btr
• pepper 1 tbsp
• soy sauce 100 ml
• 2 tbsp lime juice

Supplementary Material Sate Kambing:
• 50 ounces thinly sliced cabbage
• 4 pcs tomatoes thinly sliced
• 6 tbsp fried onions for topping
Soy Seasoning Ingredients:
• 15 pcs chilli finely sliced
• red onion finely sliced 10 btr
• 5 tablespoons soy sauce
• pepper 1 tsp
• 2 tablespoons lime juice

How to Make and cook Sate Goat Seasoning Soy Sauce:
1. The first step you wash goat meat and drain.
2. Then you skewers with satay puncture, for each skewer filled with 4 to 5 pieces of mutton.
3. Next you mix all the ingredients and seasonings to spread satay.
4. Then Apply satay using herbs that have been provided and grilled skewers on the coals while occasionally smeared using leftover seasoning to meat goat has really matured and also spice has permeated.
5. Then you create a seasoning sauce with mencapur all ingredients and seasoning to taste.
6. Finally steps you serve satay with seasoning sauce and complementary materials.

Six steps make satay sauce seasoning ditas easy right, surely you can to make it, do not forget to serve with love so that your family is more dear to serve you because you are now a good cook and make a lot of dishes to study at this site.

Thursday, 26 March 2015

Peanut Porridge Recipe

Ultimately, we all know the benefits of green beans for our bodies. Not only for children whose future growth, even adults can benefit the natural goodness of one of these types of crops. The problem is how to create the easiest way to enjoy the benefits of kindness and meperoleh dai's peas. Lots of mung bean porridge recipes that we can make with ease. One of the most popular is the Green Bean Porridge Recipe Delicious Nutritious and delicious taste.

There are so many variations snack this one we used to know, such as green bean porridge recipe milk, green bean porridge without milk, green bean porridge Madura, green beans black rice porridge and others. Oftentimes, we also see the green bean porridge recipes for babies. Indeed, besides the taste is quite delicious and tasty, food raw materials is very easy once in the can and the price is quite cheap. In addition, usually every region in Indonesia does have its own characteristics in cooking and then integrated into this green bean recipe.

Make some friends who had never made a green bean porridge alone at home, probably never encountered some problems and the results are not too soft. Maybe Friends friends think that makes green bean porridge recipe is easy. But if you do not know the tips and secrets, the results are not guaranteed to be tender and tasty. One important pling factor in making green beans are green beans damping process first with warm water for approximately 2 hours. Use the green beans are really good quality. I enter the first green beans and wash and waste floating nut.
In addition, if friends want to make green beans with coconut milk, preferably using coconut milk from coconut fruit juice original. But if it does not exist, instant coconut milk can be used, just not too much mixed with water. Moreover, to add a warm sensation when eating it, should be added also a hint of ginger and brown sugar java. Okay for more details, please see step by step how to make a green bean and materials required under.
Materials :
1. The main ingredient needed is is 250 grams of green beans whose quality is good and not a lot of droppings. Do not forget to have been used in a way above ya.
2. Brown sugar or palm sugar of approximately 350 grams. Thinly sliced ​​gar soluble sugar with water later.
3. The salt has iodine content of approximately 1 small spoon (can be added if it is less).
4. Leaves of View that has been washed clean medium size 4 pieces or 6 pieces for small. Make conclusions and 2 sheets to make coconut milk and mix the rest of the green bean puree.
5. Ginger is already washed and peeled with a length of approximately 2-3 cm.
6. Sugar white sand of approximately 80-100 grams or according to taste.
7. The water is clean enough
8. Raw milk that is needed is a salt and water. The original thick coconut milk or coconut milk can also use instant approximately 200 ml.

How to Make Green Bean Porridge Special
1. 250 grams of green beans that have been washed put into a pan of warm water. Soak the green beans for about 1:45 to 2 hours so that grain soft when cooked green beans later.
2. Prepare the water used to cook green bean porridge. Enter the green beans that have been soaked and cook while stirring occasionally stirring until soft green bean pieces, broke and mature.
3. Prepare the pan again and add enough water to boil supporting materials.
4. Enter the brown sugar that has been sliced ​​thin and stir stir until sugar is dissolved and mixed with boiled water in the average.
5. Strain sugar water above and insert it into the pan containing the green beans. Stir in green beans and stir until the sugar water mix.
6. Insert 2 pcs already knotted pandan leaves, salt, sugar and salt to taste. Add sugar and salt if it is less savory.
7. Now prepare the pan again with a small fire to make coconut milk sauce.
8. Enter the strong coconut milk and add a little water. Stir stir until water mixed with coconut milk.
9. Enter pandan leaves and salt to taste. Stir again until all ingredients are well blended.
10. Stir constantly until boiling and keep not to rupture the coconut milk.

How do friends how mmbuat pureed green beans above? It was not too hard right. Friends also can provide variety of sticky rice, milk and other mixed so that the result is more interesting and enjoyable. In addition to more frugal, by making himself Delicious Recipes Green Bean Porridge friends can add other ingredients to add flavor.